Have Chinese the same stress as Brazilians?
No they don’t.
I have lived and worked in Asia, Latin America Europe and North America and I can tell you that each place has his own sort of stress and his own way to deal with stress.
Live is all about looking for pleasure and avoiding pain. Any form of attachment is a possible cause of pain.
A friend of mine Hetty described this recently to me in a quite simple way:
“It is all about what you wanted to have when you were young but did not get”
You are the result of what you have experienced. What your environment has taught you. What you have learned from your parents. What you have learned from mistakes.
And specially when you are young , all stimuli come to you unfiltered.
And the way people looking at experiences, the things happening to them is different all over the world. All is culturally defined. Embedded in the language. Embedded in the school system. Embedded in daily life.
So the same situation is dealt with differently by different cultures. So the same situation can lead to stress to a Japanese person but does not even ring a bell for a Brazilian. The latter does not bother as he has learned not to bother. The Dutch person wants to discuss everything , always and anytime, because he has learned to do so. A Chinese person not. There will be hardly any discussion. Because he learned to accept what is.
The key learning is that it is not the situation which causes stress. It is you who decides to think the event causes you stress. You thoughts define the stress.
You know very well persons around you who have hardly any stress. That is because they had a different live , learned different things and perhaps got more or less what they want when they were young.
Same with me. I am afraid of flying. This has nothing to do with the plane. Its is me who is creating horror scenarios in my mind. My thoughts.. nobody else.
At the BASTA Academy you will get a better understanding why it is you yourself who is responsible of how you feel. Your emotional state does not depend on others. Detachment it is.